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  2. Ihara Senko [伊原染工]
  3. Fabric with auspicious and lucky item design TAKARA-DUKUSHI [ 宝尽くし ]

Fabric with auspicious and lucky item design TAKARA-DUKUSHI [ 宝尽くし ]

Site du fabricant

Screen-dyeing technology that realizes a wide variety of requirements

Screen-dyeing is used to hand-dye small Japanese-style clothing items such as furoshiki (wrapping cloths) and hand towels, as well as kimono shaku (cloth for wrapping cloths). Screen-dyeing has a wide range of uses, including tablecloths, cushions, and futon fabrics. The company also has a variety of dyes for dyeing pure silk... voir plus, cotton, and synthetic fibers, and can flexibly respond to changes in color, pattern, and material. ... voir moins

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